Old gay movies on netflix

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He vows to fund an operation to restore her sight, once he takes care of some unfinished business. In this late career epic from the legendary Akira Kurosawa, a thief assumes the identity of a deceased warlord he closely resembles to keep rival factions on guard.Īn assassin accidentally blinds a young woman in a gunfight. Trust me: all of these are worth reading subtitles for! Here are just twelve titles you can stream tonight on Netflix. RELATED: 8 of the Best Modern Japanese Movies Every Film Lover Should See And the good news is that more and more outstanding movies from Japan, China and Korea are easily accessible. Great movies made in that part of the world allow us to explore these far-off lands and customs from the safety of our recliners. No matter where you are, it’s always fascinating to examine the myriad ways East differs from West.

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You need not be a world traveler to appreciate the rich and exotic cultures to be found in Asia.

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